Minggu, 04 November 2012


Junk foods such as candy, sodas and greasy snacks can be detrimental for people of all ages, but the consequences for teens are especially high. Learn why teens need to be especially cautious about fueling their bodies properly.Lazy teen eating junk food


When teens consume a large portion of their daily calories from junk food sources, it's unlikely that they're taking in all of the nutrients necessary for growth and development. During the teen years, adolescents gain approximately 20 percent of their height and 50 percent of their weight; if they're not fueling their bodies with healthy foods, their development can be hindered. This is especially true for key nutrients such as calcium and protein that help bones and muscles strengthen and grow. Teens should aim to consume roughly 1,200 mg of calcium each day and about 10 to 15 percent of their daily food intake from lean proteins such as chicken and fish.


Regularly consuming high-fat, high-sugar and high-calorie junk food can lead to weight gainquickly in teens. Unfortunately, individuals who become overweight or obese during adolescence are unlikely to achieve and maintain a healthy weight later in life. Excess body fat is associated with numerous detrimental health consequences such as heart disease, diabetes, joint problems, poor self esteem and even cancer. By encouraging healthy food choices during the teen years, you can give your teenager a better shot at a healthier life down the road.


Sugary foods and drinks can harm teens' dental health, leading to an increased risk for tooth decay and gum disease. While this is true for people of all ages, teens are more likely to be wearing orthodontia that can trap sugars next to the teeth and gums, making them more difficult to brush away. The extended presence of these sugars can lead to an increase in the mouth bacteria that contribute to cavity formation. Try to steer teens away from candy and soda while also promoting proper dental care.


Teens who don't receive proper nutrients from a diet rich in vitamins and minerals are likely to end up feeling fatigued. This fatigue can lead to poor concentration in school and poor performance on tests. Encourage your teen to avoid the high-fat, high-sugar junk, opting instead for "brain food" that includes 100 percent whole-grain carbohydrates, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and dairy products rich in vitamin D, B vitamins and iron.

Health Problems due to Junk Food Intake

Junk food is known to cause weight gain. Due to the high levels of calories and trans fats present in junk food, there is an accumulation of fat as well as development of insulin resistance which is an early indication of diabetic disorders. In time this weight gain could lead to other disorders such as, high blood pressure, cardiac problems, increased cholesterol levels, blockage in arteries, depression, loss of muscle mass and so on.
Junk Food Health Problem
Junk food increases your intake of cholesterol which leads to the thickening and blockage of arteries. This in turn could lead to an obstruction in the blood circulation causing high blood pressure. The blockage of arteries can also lead to heart attacks or possibly a complete cardiac arrest.
Some meats used in junk food include nitrates, artificial sweeteners as well as monosodium glutamate. These contents are known to increase blood circulation and cause migraines. An increased blood flow can also cause headaches and a hungover feeling.
Processed foods that are used in junk food are loaded with Trans fats, which increase bad cholesterol levels and reduces good cholesterol. At times processed meat can have almost 45% of excess Trans fats in comparison to other foods.
Junk foods lack antioxidants, omega-3 oils, and folates that are needed for good mental health. Junk food contains emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers and flavour enhancers which could affect the mental health. A feeling of depression could be one of the negative effects of junk foods.
Junk food contains a large amount of sodium that could lead to hypertension or high blood pressure. Sodium is essential for the body but in moderate amounts. An excessive intake of sodium could lead to a build up of fluids in individuals already suffering with kidney disorders and liver cirrhosis.
Fatty acids present in junk foods are one of the main causes for sexual dysfunctions; not just does it lead to weight gain but it also brings about biochemical changes in the body which in turn affect the libido, female ovulation and sperm count.
High levels of sugar and fats could cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall suddenly. People who are addicted to junk foods tend to enjoy this feeling of a sudden rush of euphoria which makes them dependent on it. One the many negative effects of junk food are the constant cravings that it causes amongst individuals.
Junk foods are packed in wrappers. These wrappers are coated with perfluoroalkyls that stops the greasiness of the food from being absorbed by them. This grease enters the body of an individual and causes several health problems.
In case we decide to overlook the harm caused by Trans fats, high calorie contents, and low fiber contents, there is another negative affect of junk food which is food contamination.  Processed meat is sometimes contaminated with Escherichia Coli and Salmonella. There is always a risk of illness caused by undercooked hamburgers.
Junk foods can lead to depression as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. It is always advisable to consume a healthy and balanced diet accompanied by daily exercise if you want to avoid this. Hope this information has helped you to understand the negative effects of eating junk foods. Remember – a happy life begins with a healthy lifestyle.

Jumat, 02 November 2012


Lack of energy:
Junk foods do not contain any nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. In most cases, these foods are filled with harmful carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol that do not provide any useful energy. As a result, somebody consuming junk food has reduced level of essential nutrients thereby causing weakness in the body.
Poor Concentration:
One disadvantage of consuming junk food is that it contains high amount of oil and fat. As a result, human body finds this food difficult to digest and needs to spend high amount of blood and enzymes. When a person consumes junk food in excess, a major portion of blood in the body is diverted to the intestine. As a result, the person feels drowsy and suffers with reduced concentration.
Heart Diseases:
Junk foods have been identified as a major cause of heart diseases including myocardial infraction, cardiac arrest and atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that junk food contains excessive amount of low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol that get deposited on the inner linings of blood vessels. This result in formation of plaques and the heart is required to put an extra effort for pumping blood through the arteries. Presence of fat in the blood also causes reduced oxygen levels. Another harmful factor present in junk foods is excess concentration of sugars and salt. Excessive concentration of sodium ions causes an increased heart blood pressure.
Liver Failure:
Even liver gets damaged due to presence of ingredients such as fat, cholesterol and salt inside the junk foods.

You may eat fast food because it's cheap, because its easy or because it tastes good, but the cause isn't as dire as the effects. According to the National Institutes of Health, or NIH, eating fast-food meals 2 or more times each week can threaten your weight and your health. While an occasional Mexican, Chinese, sub sandwich or burger meal won't wreck your metabolism, making a habit of indulging in high-fat, high-calorie fast foods will.

You do have a choice in what you order, how much you order and how much you finish eating at fast food joints. Foods with high sugar or fat content add the most calories to your daily totals, and many selections have large proportions of sugar and/or fat. According to the USDA, high-sugar fast foods include regular carbonated beverages, and high-fat foods include entrees from tacos to burgers to breakfast sandwiches. Fried fruit pies and milk shakes are examples of foods with ingredients high in both detrimental fat and sugar. In addition, many fast foods contain excessive sodium and cholesterol, which can harm your health.

Kamis, 01 November 2012

causes of junk food

Junk foods – all the stuff that most of us love to gorge on – have enough trans fats, salt and sugar to lead us to an early onset of diseases in the young. And what’s worse, neither the companies, nor the government is bothering to tell us what these foods contain.
We all know junk food is bad; we still eat it. But do we know how bad it is? Do we ever check what we are eating and whether what that packet of chips or Maggie has what it claims it has? Our new study, which looks at the nutritional value of these foods, is to make people aware of what these foods really contain and what they will do to our health